Dr. Jimmy D. Kandeh
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Grants and Fellowships
Fulbright Scholar, Sierra Leone (2009-2010)
University of Richmond Faculty Research Grant (Summer 2009)
University of Richmond Faculty Research Grant (Spring 2006)
University of Richmond Faculty Research Grant (Summer 2004)
University of Richmond Faculty Research Grant (Summer 2002)
University of Richmond Faculty Research Grant (Summer 2001)
University of Richmond Faculty Research Grant (Summer 1999)
United States Institute of Peace Sabbatical Fellowship (1998-99)
$35,000 to research and write a book on Armed Subalterns and State Power in West Africa. Palgrave/Macmillan published book in 2004.
University of Richmond Faculty Research Grant (Summer 1994)
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Vilas Doctoral Research Grant (1984)
"Democracy, Decentralization and Local Government Reforms." Solicited Paper presented at a conference organized by the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) and the United Nations, July 2006, Freetown, Sierra Leone.
"Political Economy of Democratization in Sierra Leone." Solicited paper presented at conference on Post-Conflict Transition in Sierra Leone organized by the Nordic African Institute at Mamba Point Hotel, Wilberforce, Freetown, Sierra Leone, December 2002.
"Democratization, Civil Society and the State." Solicited paper presented at workshop on Post-Conflict Research in Sierra Leone, Cape Sierra Hotel, Freetown, Sierra Leone, December 20-21, 2001.
"Problematizing the RUF Insurgency." Solicited paper presented at conference sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars on "The Economics of War," Wilson Center, Washington DC, September 10, 2001.
"Civil-Military Relations in West Africa." Solicited paper presented at conference co-sponsored by the International Peace Academy and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Abuja, Nigeria, September 2001.
Discussant, "Sierra Leone: Diamonds and the Struggle for Democracy." Launching of book written by John Hirsch, former United States Ambassador to Sierra Leone, at the International Peace Academy, New York, February 8, 2001.
"Political Leadership in the Second Republic." Solicited paper presented at conference on Sierra Leone and the Revolutionary United Front co-sponsored by the United States Department of State (Bureau of Intelligence and Research) and the National Intelligence Council, Meridian International Center, Washington DC, June 28, 2000.
"Military Regimes in Sierra Leone." Solicited paper presented at conference sponsored by the Ford Foundation on "The Military Question in West Africa," 14-16 July, Jos, Nigeria.
"Post-war Reconstruction, Governance and Democratization." Solicited paper presented at conference on State, Conflict and Intervention in Sierra Leone, St. Anthony's College, Oxford University, United Kingdom, May 13-14, 2000.
African Studies Association
Grants and Fellowships
Kandeh, J.D. Coups from below: Armed subalterns and state power in west africa. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
Journal ArticlesKandeh, Jimmy D. "Rogue Incumbents, Donor Assistance and Sierra Leone's Second Post-Conflict Elections of 2007," Journal of Modern African Studies, 46, 4, 2008, 603-635.
Kandeh, J.D. (2003) Sierra Leone's post-conflict elections of 2002. The Journal of Modern African Studies, 41: 189-216.
Kandeh, Jimmy D. "Ransoming the State: Elite Origins of Subaltern Terror in Sierra Leone," Review of African Political Economy, 78, 1999, 349-366.
Kandeh, Jimmy D. "Transition Without Rupture: Sierra Leone's Transfer Election of 1996," African Studies Review, 41, 2, 1998, 91-111.
Kandeh, Jimmy D. "What Does the Militariat Do When it Rules? Military Regimes in The Gambia, Sierra Leone and Liberia," Review of African Political Economy, 69, 1996, 387-404.
Kandeh, Jimmy D. "Procedural Consensus, Governmental Performance and Democratic Prospects in Sierra Leone," Journal of African Policy Studies, 1, 3, 1995, 45-62.
Kandeh, Jimmy D. "Contradictory Class Functionality of the 'Soft' State," Review of African Political Economy, 55, 1992, 30-43.
Kandeh, Jimmy D. "Politicization of Ethnic Identities in Sierra Leone," African Studies Review, 35, 1, 1992, 81-99.
Kandeh, Jimmy D. "Sierra Leone: Disarmament and Elections," Africa Contemporary Record, 28, 2006, B211-B224.
Kandeh, Jimmy D and Abdul Rahman Lamin. "Sierra Leone: Appeasement and Insecurity," Africa Contemporary Record, 27, 2003, B207-220.
Hayward, Fred. M and Jimmy D. Kandeh, "Sierra Leone: The Tortuous Return to Civilian Rule, 1996-1998," Africa Contemporary Record, 26, 2002, B180-B194.
Hayward, Fred. M and Jimmy D. Kandeh. "Sierra Leone: Violence and Continued Decay, April 1994-March 1996," Africa Contemporary Record, 25, 2001, B167-B187.
Hayward, Fred. M and Jimmy D. Kandeh. "Sierra Leone: Violence and Decay, April 1992 to March 1994," Africa Contemporary Record, 24, 2000, B161-B185.
Kandeh, Jimmy D. "Anomalies of the Democratic Transition in Sierra Leone," IN DEPTH, Winter 1995-96, 33-50.
Book Chapters"Political Parties and Democratization in Sierra Leone." Paper solicited as book chapter by the Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD), London, UK. (Forthcoming)
"Intervention and Peace Building in Sierra Leone." Paper solicited as book chapter by the Nordic African Institute (NAI). (Forthcoming)
Kandeh, Jimmy D. "The Criminalization of the RUF Insurgency in Sierra Leone," in Cynthia Arnson and I. William Zartman (eds.), Rethinking the Economics of War: The Intersection of Need, Creed and Greed (Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2005).
Kandeh, Jimmy D and Ricardo Laremont. "Ethnicity and National Identity in Sierra Leone," in Ricardo Rene Laremont (ed.), Borders, Nationalism and the African State (Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2005).
Kandeh, Jimmy D and Joyce A. Kannan. "State-Building, National Integration, Gender and Economic Development in Emergent Regional Democracies," in Reginald Cline-Cole and Elsbeth Robson (eds.), West African Worlds: Paths Through Socio-Economic Change, Livelihoods and Development (Harlow, England: Pearson-Prentice Hall, 2005).
Kandeh, Jimmy D. "Civil-Military Relations in West Africa," in Adekeye Adebajo and Ismail Rashid (eds.), West Africa's Security Challenges: Building Peace in a Troubled Region (Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2004).
Kandeh, Jimmy D. "Unmaking the Second Republic: Democracy on Trial," in Ibrahim Abdullah (ed.), Between Democracy and Terror: The Sierra Leone Civil War (Dakar: Codesria, 2003).
Kandeh, Jimmy D. "In Search of Legitimacy: The 1996 Elections," in Ibrahim Abdullah (ed.), Between Democracy and Terror: The Sierra Leone Civil War (Dakar: Codesria, 2003).
Kandeh, Jimmy D. "Sierra Leone," in Bert Kritzer (ed.), Legal Systems of the World: A Political, Social and Cultural Encyclopedia (Santa Barbara: ABC CLIO, 2002), 1442-1447.
Kandeh, Jimmy D. "Subaltern Terror in Sierra Leone," in Tunde Zack-Williams, et. al. (eds.), Africa in Crisis: New Challenges and Possibilities (London: Pluto Press, 2002).
Hayward, Fred. M and Jimmy D. Kandeh. "Perspectives on Twenty Five Years of Elections in Sierra Leone", in Fred M. Hayward (ed.), Elections in Independent Africa (Boulder: Westview Press, 1987).