Dr. Ernest B. McGowen III
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Grants and Fellowships
University of Richmond Faculty Research Fellowship, Summer 2019
University of Richmond Summer Research Fellowship, Summer 2018
University of Richmond Summer Research Fellowship, Summer 2016
University of Richmond Summer Research Fellowship, Summer 2015
University of Richmond Summer Research Fellowship, Summer 2014
University of Richmond Summer Research Fellowship, Summer 2013
University of Richmond Summer Research Fellowship, Summer 2012
Long/Macdonald Fellowship, Fall 2009-Spring 2010, Fall 2010
Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowship – Honorable Mention 2009
National Science Foundation EDGE-SBE Fellowship, Fall 2008-Spring 2009
ICPSR Race and Ethnicity Summer Program Tuition Stipend, 2006
First Year Fellowship, Office of Graduate Studies, University of Texas at Austin, Fall 2004-Spring 2005
Southern Political Science Association Prestage-Cook Award, 2009
Patricia Witherspoon Research Award, 2007
Notable Public Apperances and Contributions
Commentary on Virginia Blackface Controversy – CNN, Al Jazeera English, Canadian Press, Washington Post February 2019
Panelist. Issues of Race and Ethnicity in Central Virginia. Association for Ethnic Studies Annual Conference Keynote Plenary Session. March 2018.
“Student Activism After Parkland Shooting.” Voice of America. March 2018.
“Youth Voting in the Trump era.” The Press Enterprise. April 2018.
Election Night Political Analyst. Richmond ABC TV. November 2016.
Panelist. Symposium on Race and American Society. The Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs at Virginia Commonwealth University. April 2016.
Election Night Political Analyst. Richmond ABC TV. March 2016.
Election Night Political Analyst. Richmond ABC TV. November 2014.
Election Night Political Analyst. Richmond ABC TV. November 2013.
“Government Shutdown Implications on Virginia Elections.” Washington Post. September 2013.
“50th Anniversary of March on Washington.” Charlottesville NBC TV. August 2013.
“Implications of Supreme Court Action on Voting Rights Act.” Richmond CBS TV. June 2013,
“Virginia as a Swing State.” NBC Nightly News. October 2012.
“Virginia as a Swing State.” NBC Today Show. October 2012.
“Campaign Strategy in Virginia.” The New York Times Room for Debate Series. October 2012.
“Recap of First Presidential Debate.” Richmond ABC TV. October 2012.
“Racial and Ethnic Minority Support for Mitt Romney.” Orlando Sentinel. September 2012.
“Implications of Paul Ryan Selection as Vice Presidential Nominee.” Richmond ABC TV. August 2012.
Conference Participation
McGowen, Ernest B. “The Influence of Neighborhood Racial Context on African American Political Behavior.” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association 2019.
McGowen, Ernest B. Tasha S. Philpot, and Daron R. Shaw. “Winning the Race Redux: The Effect of Co-ethnic
Population Density on African American Participation,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association 2018.
McGowen, Ernest B. and Kristen Wylie. “Racialized Differences in Perceptions of and Emotional Responses to Police Killings of Unarmed African Americans,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association 2016.
McGowen, Ernest B. and Daniel J. Palazzolo. “Momentum and Media in the 2012 Republican Nomination,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association 2014.
McGowen, Ernest B. “In Search of Symbolic Representation: The Electoral Rhetoric of Congressional Candidates and their Supporters,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, 2013.
Arbour, Brian K. and Ernest B. McGowen. “Let Me Tell You a Little Bit About Myself: Biography Appeals in Campaign Advertising,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, 2013.
McGowen, Ernest. B. “Push vs. Pull: The Interaction of Minority Identification and Environment on Political Participation,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, 2011.
Philpot, Tasha S., Daron R. Shaw, and Ernest B. McGowen. “Winning the Race: Black Voter Turnout in the 2008 Presidential Election,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, 2010.
Philpot, Tasha S., Daron R. Shaw, and Ernest B. McGowen. “Winning the Race: Black Voter Turnout in the 2008 Presidential Election,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, 2010.
McGowen, Ernest B. “Is Environment Paramount?: The Social Networks and Political Participation of Suburban Minority Groups,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, 2010.
McGowen, Ernest B. “Racial Homogeneity and Turnout: A Five-State Hierarchical Linear Model Estimating African-American Turnout in the 2000 Presidential Election,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, 2008.
McGowen, Ernest B. “Racial Homogeneity and Turnout: A Hierarchical Linear Model Estimating African-American Turnout in the Texas 2000 Presidential Election,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, 2008.
Arbour, Brian K., Ernest B. McGowen, and Laura Barbarella. “Turning Red States Blue: A Study of Partisan Campaign Advertisements,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, 2007.
McGowen, Ernest B. “Group Consciousness in Majority-Minority Districts,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, 2006.
Arbour, Brian K. and Ernest B. McGowen. “Issue Ownership in Southern Political Campaign Advertisements,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Political Science Association, 2006.
McGowen, Ernest B. “The Effect of Majority-Minority Redistricting on Minority Turnout,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, 2006.
Grants and Fellowships
McGowen, Ernest B. 2017. African Americans in White Suburbia: Social Networks and Political Behavior. Lawrence, Kansas University Press.
Additional PublicationsMcGowen, Ernest B. and Kristin N. Wylie. “Racialized Differences in Perceptions of and Emotional Responses to Police Killings of Unarmed African Americans.” (Forthcoming in Politics, Groups, and Identities).
White, Ismail K., Chryl N. Laird, Ernest McGowen, III, and Jared Clemons. 2019. “Political Awareness in Black and White: The Effect of Attention to Black Political Discourse on Black Opinion Formation.” In How Public Policy Impacts Racial Inequality. eds. Josh Grimm and Jaime Loke. Louisiana State University Press: Baton Rouge, LA.
McGowen, Ernest B. 2018. “The Needles in the Haystack: Assessing the Effects of Time, Place and Class on Blacks in Majority White Suburbs.” In Black Politics in Transition: Immigration, Suburbanization and Gentrification. eds. Candis Watts Smith and Christina Greer. Routledge.
Arbour, Brian K. and Ernest B. McGowen. 2017. “Let Me Tell You a Bit About Myself: Biographical Appeals in Congressional General Election Advertising.” Politics and Policy 45 (2): 224-252.
McGowen, Ernest B. and Daniel J. Palazzolo. 2014. “Momentum and the Media in the 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination,” Presidential Studies Quarterly. 44(3): 431-446.
Givens, Terri and Ernest B. McGowen. 2012. “Party Politics and Public Opinion on Immigration and Anti-Discrimination Policy: Implications for Immigrant Integration.” In Multiculturalism and its Discontents. ed. David Leal, New York: Routledge
McGowen, Ernest B. 2010. "Depressing the Vote: The Environmental Determinants of Turnout in African-American Precincts in the 2000 Presidential Election." In African-American Political Psychology: Identity, Opinion, and Action in the Post-Civil Rights Era, ed. Tasha S. Philpot and Ismail K. White, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Philpot, Tasha S., Ismail K. White, Kristin Wylie, and Ernest B. McGowen. 2010. "Feeling Different: Racial Group-Based Emotional Response to Political Events." In African-American Political Psychology: Identity, Opinion, and Action in the Post-Civil Rights Era, ed. Tasha S. Philpot and Ismail K. White, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Philpot, Tasha S., Daron R. Shaw, and Ernest B. McGowen. 2009. "Winning the Race: Black Voter Turnout in the 2008 Presidential Election." Public Opinion Quarterly 73(5): 995-1022.
White, Ismail K., Tasha S. Philpot, Kristen Wylie, and Ernest B. McGowen. 2007. "Feeling the Pain of My People: Emotional Responses to Hurricane Katrina." Journal of Black Studies 37: 523-538.