Dr. Daniel Palazzolo
Dr. Palazzolo became Interim Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences in July 2021.
Dr. Palazzolo's current research examines coalition building in Congress in an era of partisan polarization. How much potential actually exists for bipartisanship or other forms of cooperation across party lines in the context of re-emergent partisanship? Why do some issues still cut across party lines or fail to evoke partisan divisions even in this period of intense partisan polarization? How are the politics of these issues different from the issues that fit more neatly into party government in Congress?
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Grants and Fellowships
University of Richmond Summer Fellowship 2011
American Political Science Association Congressional Fellow: 1996-97
University of Richmond Summer Fellowship 1996
University of Richmond Summer Fellowship 1990
Robert Horwitz Fellow, 1989
Dirksen Congressional Center Fellow, 1988-1989
Bradley Fellow, 1987- 1989 -
Career Development Center, Faculty Member of the Year, 2009-2010
Richmond College Student Government Association Faculty Member of the Year, 2007-08
Omicron Delta Kappa, Professor of the Year, 1998-99
Richmond College Student Government Association Faculty Recognition Award, 1995-96
Distinguished Educator Award, University of Richmond, 1994 and 1998
Golden Key National Honor Society, 1995
National Library Week Faculty Award, Honorable Mention, University of Richmond, 1994
Brooks-Cole Award, Best Graduate Student Paper, Midwest Political Science Association, 1989
Grants and Fellowships
Palazzolo, D.J., & Ceaser, J.W., eds. Election Reform: Politics and Policy. Landham, MD: Lexington Books, 2005.
Palazzolo, D.J. Done Deal? The Politics of the 1997 Budget Agreement. Chatham, New Jersey: Chatham House Publishers, 1999.
Palazzolo, D.J. The Speaker and the Budget: Leadership in the Post-Reform House of Representatives. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1992.
Journal ArticlesMcGowen, Ernest B. and Daniel J. Palazzolo. 2014. “Momentum and the Media in the 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination,” Presidential Studies Quarterly.
Palazzolo, Daniel J., Vincent G. Moscardelli, Meredith Patrick, and Doug Rubin. 2008. “Election Reform After HAVA: Voter Verification in Congress and the States.” Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 38 (Summer): 515-537.
Palazzolo, Daniel J. and Vincent G. Moscardelli. 2006. “Policy Crisis and Political Leadership: Election Law Reform in the States after the 2000 Election.” State Politics and Policy Quarterly 6: 300-21.
Palazzolo, Daniel J. and Fiona R. McCarthy. 2005. “State and Local Organizations and the Formation of the Help America Vote Act.” Publius: The Journal of Federalism 35:515-36
Randall Strahan and Daniel J. Palazzolo. 2004. “The Gingrich Effect.” Political Science Quarterly 119:89-114.
Book ChaptersPalazzolo, Daniel J. 2013. “Parties, Leaders, and the National Debt,” in Raymond La Raja, ed., New Directions in American Politics, ed. Raymond J. La Raja, New York: Routledge.