Dr. B. Rick Mayes
Rick Mayes is a professor of health policy in the University of Richmond’s department of health studies. He is also a professor in the University of Virginia’s School of Nursing. He earned his Ph.D. at the University of Virginia and a National Institute of Mental Health postdoctoral traineeship at the U.C. Berkeley School of Public Health. He worked on Medicaid policy in the White House for George H.W. Bush and thereafter on health insurance and Medicare policy at the AARP during the “Clinton” health care reform effort. He is a graduate of the University of Richmond, and he has taught international public policy and global health on Semester at Sea.
His writings have appeared in: The New York Times; Health Affairs; the Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law; the Journal of the History of Medicine & Allied Sciences; the Journal of Policy History; the Journal of Health Law; the Journal of Health Care Law & Policy; the Harvard Review of Psychiatry; the Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences; Health Economics, Policy and Law; the History of Psychiatry; Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology News; Health Law Review; Applied Health Economics & Health Policy; the Journal of Medicine, Health Care & Philosophy; Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety; the Journal of Primary Care & Community Health; World Medical & Health Policy I, World Medical & Health Policy II; and the Journal of Health Services Research & Policy.
He has given health policy talks and research presentations to, among others: the Richmond Academy of Medicine, the Virginia Association of Free & Charitable Clinics, the Virginia Dermatology Society, the Albemarle Medial Society, the Society of Urologic Nurses and Associates, the Virginia Association of Hematologists & Oncologists, the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique (in France); the Yale University School of Medicine; Congress on Women’s Health; VCU’s Medical College of Virginia; the National Association of Personal Financial Planners; and UVA’s School of Medicine & Miller Center.
He is also the author of: UNIVERSAL COVERAGE: The Elusive Quest for National Health Insurance (University of Michigan Press), co-author of MEDICARE PROSPECTIVE PAYMENT AND THE SHAPING OF U.S. HEALTH CARE (Johns Hopkins University Press) with Robert Berenson, M.D., Senior Health Policy Fellow at the Urban Institute, and co-author of MEDICATING CHILDREN: ADHD and Pediatric Mental Health (Harvard University Press) with Catherine Bagwell and Jennifer Erkulwater.
His most enjoyable and rewarding professional experiences have involved taking groups of University of Richmond students to Peru, the Dominican Republic, Appalachia, and Acadia National Park in Maine on health care research and community service trips. He has been voted by students to give the university’s “Last Lecture”.
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Grants and Fellowships
$21,000 Quest grant for public health research trip with students to Peru 2008
$21,000 Quest grant for public health research trip with students to Peru 2007
$3,700 PETE Summer teaching grant (w/Catherine Bagwell) 2005
$5,000 Summer Research Fellowship, University of Richmond 2003
$5,000 Summer Research Fellowship, University of Richmond 2004
$7,000 GIS "Geographic Information Systems" Training Grant 2002-2003
$10,000 grant, Center for Child & Youth Policy, School of Social Welfare, University of California, Berkeley 2001-2002
Bankard Dissertation Fellowship (for field research abroad) 1998-1999
Voted by UR students to give “Last Lecture” 2013
ODK’s “Faculty Member of the Year at the University of Richmond”, student-voted (2003, 2013)
University of Richmond: Excellence in Student Advising- Professor of the Year (2012)
University of Richmond's "Distinguished Educator" award, faculty-voted (2007)
Richmond College’s “Faculty Member of the Year,” student-voted (2000, 2007)
Grants and Fellowships
R. Mayes, C. Bagwell, J. Erkulwater, Medicating Children: ADHD and Pediatric Mental Health (Harvard University Press, 2009)
R. Mayes, R. Berenson, M.D., Urban Institute, Medicare Prospective Payment and the Shaping of U.S. Health Care (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006)
R. Mayes, Universal Coverage: The Elusive Quest for National Health Insurance (University of Michigan Press, Series "Conversations in Medicine and Society," 2004)
Journal Articles(* denotes student/now alum in co-authorship)
R. Mayes, K. J. Muir, H. Pingali*, “‘Not what we signed up for’: Nurse shortages, physician scarcity, and time for collective bargaining?" World Medical & Health Policy
Kislyakov, R. Mayes, “The Physics of Health Care: An Interpretation of the U.S. Health Care ‘System’ from the Perspective of Quantum Mechanics,” World Medical & Health Policy (Volume 11, No. 2, Summer 2019: 177-87)
R. Mayes, S. Shah*, “MACRA and Medicare’s Elusive Quest for Fairness and Value with Physician Payment Policy,” (Volume 11, No. 2, Summer 2018: 235-47)
Mayes, B. Paul*, “An Analysis of the Political and Legal Debates over Medicaid Expansion in Virginia,” Journal of Law & the Public Interest (Volume 18, No. 1, 2014: 23-37)
R. Mayes, B. Armistead*, “Chronic Disease, Prevention Policy, and the Future of Public Health and Primary Care,” Journal of Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy (Volume 16, No. 4, 2013: 691-7)
A. Frakt, R. Mayes, “Beyond Capitalism," Health Affairs (Volume 31, No. 9, 2012: 1951-8)
R. Mayes, T. Oliver, “Chronic Disease and the Shifting Focus of Public Health: Is Prevention Still a Political Lightweight?” Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law (Volume 37, No. 2, 2012: 181-200)
R. Mayes, “Is Medicaid Expansion Good for the States?” U.S. News & World Report (July 2012) www.usnews.com/debate-club/is-medicaid-expansion-good-for-the-states
R. Mayes, J. Walradt*, “Pay-for-Performance Reimbursement in Health Care: Chasing Cost Control and Increased Quality through ‘New and Improved’ Payment Incentives,” Health Law Review 19, no. 2 (March 22, 2011): 39-43
R. Mayes, S. McKenna, “Public Health and Primary Care: Struggling to ‘Win Friends and Influence People’,” Journal of Primary Care and Community Health (Volume 2, No. 1, 2011: 65-68)
R. Mayes, C. Bagwell, J. Erkulwater, “Medicating Children: The Enduring Controversy over ADHD and Stimulant Pharmacotherapy,” Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology News (Volume 13, No. 5, 2008: 1-5,9)
R. Mayes, J. Erkulwater, "Medicating Kids: Pediatric Mental Health Policy and the Tipping for ADHD & Stimulants," Journal of Policy History (Volume 20, No. 3, Summer 2008: 309-343)
R. Mayes, C. Bagwell, J. Erkulwater, “ADHD and the Rise in Stimulant Use among Children,” Harvard Review of Psychiatry (Volume 16, No. 3, May/June 2008:151-166)
R. Mayes, A. Rafalovich, "Suffer the Restless Children: The Evolution of ADHD and Pediatric Stimulant Use," History of Psychiatry (Volume 18, No. 4, December 2007: 435-457)
R. Mayes, "The Origins, Development and Passage of Medicare's Revolutionary Prospective Payment System," Journal of the History of Medicine & Allied Sciences (Vol. 62, No. 3, January 2007: 21-55)
R. Mayes, "The Origins of and Momentum behind ‘Pay for Performance' Reimbursement," Health Law Review (Vol. 15, No. 2, December 2006: 17-22)
R. Mayes, R. Hurley, "Pursuing Health Care Cost Containment in a Pluralistic Payer Environment," Journal of Health Economics, Policy & Law (Vol. 1, No. 3, Summer 2006: 237-261)
R. Mayes, “Medicare and America’s Health Care System in Transition: From the Death of Managed Care to the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 and Beyond,” Journal of Health Law (Vol. 38, Summer 2005: 391-422)
R. Mayes, A. Horwitz, "DSM-III and the Revolution in the Classification of Mental Illness," Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences (Vol. 41, Summer 2005: 249-267)
F. Bokhari, R. Mayes, R. Scheffler, "An Analysis of the Significant Variation in Psychostimulant Use Across the U.S.," Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety (Vol. 14, 2005: 267-275)
R. Mayes, J. Lee, "Medicare Payment Policy and the Controversy Over Hospital Cost Shifting," Journal of Applied Health Economics & Health Policy (Vol. 3, No. 3, 2004: 153-159)
R. Mayes, "Causal Chains and Cost Shifting: How Medicare's Rescue Inadvertently Triggered the Managed Care Revolution," Journal of Policy History (Vol. 16, No. 2, April 2004: 144-174)
R. Mayes, "Universal Coverage and the American Health Care System in Crisis (Again)," Journal of Health Care Law & Policy (Vol. 7, No. 2, July 2004: 242-279)
Gitterman, R. Greenwood M.D., K. Kocis M.D., R. Mayes, A. McKethan, “Did a Rising Tide Lift All Boats? The NIH Budget and the State of Pediatric Research Spending, 1998-2004,” Health Affairs (Vol. 23, 2004)
Lee, R. Berenson, R. Mayes, A. Gauthier, “Medicare Payment Policy: Does Cost Shifting Matter?" Health Affairs’ “Web Exclusive” (Vol. 22, No. 6, October 2003)
Book ChaptersMayes, K. White, “Agenda Setting: What Rises to a Policymaker’s Attention” in N. Short, J. Milstead, eds., Health Policy and Politics: A Nurse’s Guide (Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2021, Chapter 3)
EssaysMayes, Review of Stephen P. Hinshaw and Richard M. Scheffler’s The ADHD Explosion: Myths, Medications, Money, and Today’s Push for Performance, in the Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law (2015)
R. Mayes, “Strategies for Health Care Cost Containment” in Guide to U.S. Health and Health Care Policy, edited by Thomas R. Oliver, 227-39. Thousand Oaks: CQ Press, 2014.
R. Mayes, “Moving (Realistically) from Volume-Based to Value-Based Health Care Payment: Starting with Medicare Payment Policy,” Journal of Health Services Research & Policy (Volume 16, No. 4, 2011) (abstract)
R. Mayes, “What Medicare Services to Cut Now: Rely on Hospice,” New York Times (June 1, 2011)
ReviewsMayes, Review of Paul Starr’s Remedy and Reaction: The Peculiar American Struggle over Health Care Reform and Stuart Altman and David Shactman’s Power, Politics and Universal Health Care, JHPPL (Volume 38, No. 1, 2013: 200-207)
R. Mayes, “Postmortems on the Affordable Care Act: A Review of John McDonough’s Inside National Health Reform and Grace-Marie Turner et al.’s Why Obamacare is Wrong for America,” Health Affairs (Volume 30, No. 12, 2011)
R. Mayes, “The Way it Was and Probably Will Be in Health Care: A Review of Rashi Fein’s Learning Lessons: Medicine, Economics and Public Policy,” Health Affairs (Volume 30, No. 1, 2011: 179-80)
R. Mayes, “Review of Daniel M. Fox’s The Convergence of Science and Governance: Research, Health Policy and American States,” Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law. (Volume 35, No. 6, 2010: 1057-62)
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