Dr. Jennifer Pribble
Jenny Pribble is professor of political science and global studies at the University of Richmond. Her research focuses on issues of Latin American political economy, social policy, and democracy. She is the solo author of Welfare and Party Politics in Latin America (2013, Cambridge University Press) and the co-author of two (short) books, The Politics of Social Protection During Times of Crisis (2023, Cambridge University Press) and The Political Economy of Segmented Expansion: Latin American Social Policy in the 2000s (2022, Cambridge University Press). Jenny's research has been published in peer-reviewed journals, including the Latin American Research Review, Latin American Politics and Society, the American Sociological Review, Comparative Politics, and Studies in Comparative International Development. Her political commentary has been featured in the New York Times, the Washington Post, NPR, CNN, and elsewhere. Jenny recently began work on a new project that investigates the rise of new right parties in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Spain. Jenny received a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2008.Expand All
Grants and Fellowships
Recipient Fulbright Speaker and Specialist Grant (2024-2027)
Recipient of Virginia Foundation of Independent Colleges Maurice Mednick Memorial Fund Grant (2023-2024)
University of Costa Rica, Thematic Network Team Grant: $20,000 (2018-present)
United States’ State Department Visiting Speaker and Specialist Grant (August 2008)
Graduate Fellow of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (2008)
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Dissertation Completion Fellowship (2007-2008)
Organization of American States (OAS) Research Fellowship (2006-2007)
Ford Foundation and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Dissertation Research Fellowship (2006-2007) -
Co-recipient of the 2021 Kendra Koivu paper award for the best paper developing and/or applying qualitative research methods from the Qualitative and Multi-Method Research Section of APSA.
Award for the co-authored paper, “Reconceptualizing Social Policy Expansion and Retrenchment: South America After the Commodity Boom.” (co-authored with Sara Niedzwiecki)
Recipient of the “2020 Best Article of the Year” published in Regional and Federal Studies. “Rethinking Measures of Democracy and Welfare State Universalism: Lessons from Subnational Research.” (Co-authored with Agustina Giraudy).
Distinguished Educator Award, University of Richmond (2019).
University of Richmond, International Education Award (2014). Awarded to a faculty member who has made outstanding contributions to the internationalization of the UR curriculum and campus.
The Linda Dykstra Distinguished Dissertation Award, Best Dissertation in the Social Sciences: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2009).
Honorable Mention for Best Dissertation Fieldwork from the American Political Science Association, Comparative Democratization Section (2008).
Grants and Fellowships
Selected Publications
Blofield, Merike, Jennifer Pribble, and Cecilia Giambruno. 2023. The Politics of Social Protection During Times of Crisis. New York: Cambridge University Press. (Cambridge Elements, Series on Politics and Society in Latin America).
Arza, Camila, Rossana Castiglioni, Juliana Martinez-Franzoni, Sara Niedzwiecki, Jennifer Pribble, & Diego Sánchez Ancochea. 2022 The Political Economy of Segmented Expansion: Latin American Social Policy in the 2000s. New York: Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Elements in Politics and Society in Latin America).
Spanish Translation: Arza, Camila, Rossana Castiglioni, Juliana Martinez-Franzoni, Sara Niedzwiecki, Jennifer Pribble, & Diego Sánchez Ancochea. 2024 La Economía Política de Una Expansión Segmentada. New York: Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Elements in Politics and Society in Latin America).
Pribble, Jennifer. 2013. Welfare and Party Politics in Latin America. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Spanish Translation: Pribble, Jennifer. 2017. Partidos Políticos y Estado de Bienestar en América Latina. Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila Editorial. (Translation by: Soledad Marambio).
Journal ArticlesNiedzwiecki, Sara and Jennifer Pribble. 2023 “Social Policy Expansion and Retrenchment after the Commodity Boom in Latin America,” Journal of Social Policy. First View 13 March, 2023).
Giraudy, Agustina and Jennifer Pribble. 2020. “Territorial Inequality in Health Service Delivery: Lessons from Latin America’s Federations,” Latin American Politics and Society. 62 (3): 19-43.
Giraudy, Agustina and Jennifer Pribble. 2019. “Rethinking Measures of Democracy and Welfare State Universalism: Lessons from Subnational Research,” Regional and Federal Studies. 29 (2): 135-163.
Niedzwiecki, Sara and Jennifer Pribble. 2017. “Social Policy and Center-Right Governments in Argentina and Chile,” Latin American Politics and Society. 59 (3): 72-97.
Pribble, Jennifer. 2015. “The Politics of Building Municipal Institutional Effectiveness in Chile,” Latin American Politics and Society. Vol. 57 (3): 100-121.
Pribble, Jennifer. 2011. “Worlds Apart: Social Policy Regimes in Latin America,” Studies in Comparative International Development. Vol. 46 (2): 191-216.
Pribble, Jennifer, Evelyne Huber, and John D. Stephens. 2009. “Politics, Policies, and Poverty in Latin America.” (Lead author). Comparative Politics. Vol. 41 (4): 387-407.
Huber, Evelyne, François Nielsen, Jenny Pribble, and John D. Stephens. 2006. “Political Determinants of Inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean.” American Sociological Review. Vol. 71 (6): 943-963.
Pribble, Jennifer. 2006. “The Politics of Women’s Welfare in Chile and Uruguay.” Latin American Research Review. Volume 41 (2): 84-111.
Additional PublicationsCommissioned Journal Articles
Pribble, Jennifer. 2021. “Remaking the Welfare State. Pandemic Successes and Failures in Chile,” ReVista Harvard Review on Latin America. Spotlight Eyes on Covid-19 Series: https://revista.drclas.harvard.edu/remaking-the-welfare-state-pandemic-successes-and-failures-in-chile/
Pribble, Jennifer. 2016. “Chile’s Elites Face Demands for Reform,” Current History. 116 (787): 49-54.
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